Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Poop Time Sign Up-Grade

I had made this Pooptime Sign about a year ago.  I was very useful, but people will still stop me at work and ask where I was going.  I even put little holes on top to put some string on, but sadly I never got around to it.

Soo........... I thought it was time for an upgrade for my Pooptime Sign, to the New Pooptime Vest.

It does take a little more time to put on, but I think I will have no accident with this.

It is reflective and neon green.

The end of the world is coming, which meat is better

Was at Wally-world the other day... and they had a blowout for the king of can meats and friends.
Since every end of the world movie always will have a huge supply of Spam available (may be in the background somewhere, you have to look for it).  I thought I do a review of each to see which I want to stock up for the end of the world .

The Holy Trinity (Spam, Spam Lite, and Spam with less sodium)
"not in pic, the step brother of Spam, turkey Spam "
The Original Spam : Had it as a Spamwich. good texture, like any processed meat. I did just slice it and eat, which made it kinda goopy. 

Spam Lite, now with more sawdust and less fat:  Don't eat Spam lite, it's nastier than Spam, hard to do, but the genius' at Spam did it. 

Spam 25% less Sodium:  I had to add soy sauce to it.  Like the picture, you should add cheese to it to make it edible, nice!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Ideas from Hangboy

I went to the APE (Alternative Press Expo) over the weekend to promote my business.  The APE is a great place to meet the independent comic nerds of America, hot nerd girls, sweaty comic book guys. 

I bought this from the guy who draws Hangboy and frankly, love the idea of how I can make extra income.
Starting next week, I will follow this:

hangboy make extra money income hooker cop get rich quick

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is that a 2 lb peppermint stick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Nope it's a 2lb peppermint stick.  I was at Cost Plus yesterday and  I couldn't help myself.  I saw this magical stick and had to waste $10.  Think of all the useful things you can do with it.

I could rob Santa.

Feed a family of 20 for 6 months.

Use it as a tasty lgihtening rod.

A thick lightsaber.

Have fresh minty breath for every opening.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Too much Sharing

I saw this at a sporting good store the other day.

I know it's on sale and all, but I am not buying a body douche.

I am back!!!!! sucked.  constantly down, I really think it's run by retards, but that would be insulting to retards.

but i guess here is the last of it

Been very busy with my other site, but I really need a place for crap I see daily.