Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The end of the world is coming, which meat is better

Was at Wally-world the other day... and they had a blowout for the king of can meats and friends.
Since every end of the world movie always will have a huge supply of Spam available (may be in the background somewhere, you have to look for it).  I thought I do a review of each to see which I want to stock up for the end of the world .

The Holy Trinity (Spam, Spam Lite, and Spam with less sodium)
"not in pic, the step brother of Spam, turkey Spam "
The Original Spam : Had it as a Spamwich. good texture, like any processed meat. I did just slice it and eat, which made it kinda goopy. 

Spam Lite, now with more sawdust and less fat:  Don't eat Spam lite, it's nastier than Spam, hard to do, but the genius' at Spam did it. 

Spam 25% less Sodium:  I had to add soy sauce to it.  Like the picture, you should add cheese to it to make it edible, nice!


  1. I actualy like Spam ok, but only the original is worth eating. It comes out ok if it is pan fried. It works pretty well with eggs to make a scramble. the trick is to fry both the eggs and the spam a little more than normal to make sure all the 'goo' is out of both. You do not want this dish to be runny.

  2. All the chickens will be dead when the zombies come
