Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I know it's been done by others, but it smell yummy.

Bought a copy of bags of these for the dog, and they do smell good.

Peanut butter and bananas

I got to say, it's bland and taste like sawdust. (I have tasted sawdust)

Grill duck breast
The grill duck breast jerky was much butter, it was a cross between sawdust, bad jerky and salt.

My lesson of the day, went the zombies come, don't go for dog treats for food.


  1. I think it might actually be a good choice for ombie provisions in terms of long term scavenging, simply because it has a good shelf life.

    Yeah, they taste like shit, but they are nutritious. Plus, a lot fewer people are going to be worying about their dogs.

  2. WU...all i can say is "youre crazy man"!
