Monday, December 13, 2010

Stuff I See

Gift Idea

I don't think there is anything better for Christmas than a 3ft chocolate finger

Other random stuff

No, no thanks, it only happens after I eat Indian Food.

Prison gift exchange

I didn't know Remington cares about prison relationships so much, now with teflon.
Rejoice, immates everywhere, REJOICE

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New business idea part 2

I will have too much room at my Cocks and Poos pet supplies. So I am thinking of cutting the store in half and openning up the first pet supplies and full service restaurant ever, under the same name of course.

Here is the difficult time, the menu items.  At first I was thinking of specializing in only chili and hot dogs.  I woudl have to refuse anyone ordering chili and hotdog. Then, I would have to hire a bouncer to throw anyone out who tries to get both. So, that idea was out and I am trying to get some menu items together.  I got a couple of ideas:

VD:  veggie delite = veggie platter with cream yeasty sauce.

The droopy weiner:  hot dog + hot beef sandwich with soaked buns

Waffle Stix: Not just for breakfast anymore, injected syrup, with sides of ranch.....

The Dirty Sanchez: chili dog

The Fluffer Nuts:  Peanut butter and masrhmallow sandwich.

Spotted Dick in Can: Really, I have cases ready

more to come.....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My jouney to red-neckly ness.

After the longest 11 days of my life, I am finally steps closer to my journey to redneckness.

I could just see myself sitting in the front porch shining my gun.

My new toy, spend a hour laughing and cycling shells out of it.

or even better, sitting in the front yard, next to my tractor tire and hammer.

Here are some of the other recent purchases

I got these in the mail yesterday, punched myself with it, dammit, it really hurts

I been asked by everyone so far as to why I need this

all I can really say is who does not need 1000ft of paracord


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Business Idea?

Was at lunch today and there was an empty store front for rent.  I thought it would be great for a pet supply store or a small diner or both.  I have the shop logo worked up.......
for the pet supplies anyways, diner logo to follow......

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I guess it could be next years costume? or causal Fridays or interview suit

I ordered this about a week and a half ago thinking I had time for Halloween, but i came too late.  The good thing is, now I have something to wear on causal Fridays, to weddings, Christmas parties, etc.

My new interview suit

Scaring the crap out of the dog.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I know it's been done by others, but it smell yummy.

Bought a copy of bags of these for the dog, and they do smell good.

Peanut butter and bananas

I got to say, it's bland and taste like sawdust. (I have tasted sawdust)

Grill duck breast
The grill duck breast jerky was much butter, it was a cross between sawdust, bad jerky and salt.

My lesson of the day, went the zombies come, don't go for dog treats for food.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I found this the other day and had to share this with the world, time for a name change.

Revisit from my Old Friend / name that gay porn.

Was at the store the other day and saw my old favorite joke, but this time it was even better.

Now, name that gay porn

Two spotted dicks on top of each other and two fluffers on the side

and this one:

8 Sausages in a jar, very close together 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Poop Time Sign Up-Grade

I had made this Pooptime Sign about a year ago.  I was very useful, but people will still stop me at work and ask where I was going.  I even put little holes on top to put some string on, but sadly I never got around to it.

Soo........... I thought it was time for an upgrade for my Pooptime Sign, to the New Pooptime Vest.

It does take a little more time to put on, but I think I will have no accident with this.

It is reflective and neon green.

The end of the world is coming, which meat is better

Was at Wally-world the other day... and they had a blowout for the king of can meats and friends.
Since every end of the world movie always will have a huge supply of Spam available (may be in the background somewhere, you have to look for it).  I thought I do a review of each to see which I want to stock up for the end of the world .

The Holy Trinity (Spam, Spam Lite, and Spam with less sodium)
"not in pic, the step brother of Spam, turkey Spam "
The Original Spam : Had it as a Spamwich. good texture, like any processed meat. I did just slice it and eat, which made it kinda goopy. 

Spam Lite, now with more sawdust and less fat:  Don't eat Spam lite, it's nastier than Spam, hard to do, but the genius' at Spam did it. 

Spam 25% less Sodium:  I had to add soy sauce to it.  Like the picture, you should add cheese to it to make it edible, nice!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Ideas from Hangboy

I went to the APE (Alternative Press Expo) over the weekend to promote my business.  The APE is a great place to meet the independent comic nerds of America, hot nerd girls, sweaty comic book guys. 

I bought this from the guy who draws Hangboy and frankly, love the idea of how I can make extra income.
Starting next week, I will follow this:

hangboy make extra money income hooker cop get rich quick

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is that a 2 lb peppermint stick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Nope it's a 2lb peppermint stick.  I was at Cost Plus yesterday and  I couldn't help myself.  I saw this magical stick and had to waste $10.  Think of all the useful things you can do with it.

I could rob Santa.

Feed a family of 20 for 6 months.

Use it as a tasty lgihtening rod.

A thick lightsaber.

Have fresh minty breath for every opening.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Too much Sharing

I saw this at a sporting good store the other day.

I know it's on sale and all, but I am not buying a body douche.

I am back!!!!! sucked.  constantly down, I really think it's run by retards, but that would be insulting to retards.

but i guess here is the last of it

Been very busy with my other site, but I really need a place for crap I see daily.